Plastic artist, born in Maracaibo, Zulia State. With experience plus twenty years (22 years) immersed in aspects of artistic creation in the country. Beginning their approach to creating in 1986, when studies without concluding in the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Zulia (LUZ), located in Maracaibo, Zulia State, his homeland. Mark Bacon, is a Venezuelan artist who has a track with a strong conceptual description of their work, which has participated in several exhibitions, both individual and collective in their country. It has also been opportunity to participate in one of the most important rooms in the country as the "Arturo Michelena" Ateneo de Valencia. Mark Bacon is part of Contemporary Art framed and philosophical proposals related to the same art and design, where the Universe that arises, given the issues that are recognized in the artistic creation itself, and how they can be annealed oral and written aspects. Its production is essentially Research pictorial, graphic and Dibujística, bursting with firm steps in the ideas of a large part of his own conception, as, for their research and artistic practice, translating his own creative responsibility social fields in which targets and the environment that can surround.
Studies Conducted
Technical Colleges in Civil Works, Major Structure. Institut Universitaire de Technologie de Maracaibo (IUTM). Maracaibo, Zulia, Venezuela.
Oil Painting Workshop and mixed media. Faculty of Architecture (LUZ). Self Development. Maracaibo, Zulia State, Venezuela.
Course Oil Painting and Mixed Media. School of Painting "Alip Granadillo." Maracaibo, Zulia State, Venezuela.
Visual Arts Studies, Major in Fine Arts. High School Arts "Neptalí corner." Secretary of Culture of Zulia State. Maracaibo, Zulia State, Venezuela.
Free Workshop of Drawing and Painting. College of Arts Neptalí corner. " Secretary of Culture of Zulia State. Maracaibo, Zulia State, Venezuela.
Architectural Studies. Faculty of Architecture at the University of Zulia (LUZ). Maracaibo, Zulia State, Venezuela.
11pt "> Seminar on "Cultural Management in the Contemporary City" taught by Guillermo Heras. Art Center Foundation Maracaibo Lia Bermudez. " Ministry of Culture. Maracaibo, Zulia State, Venezuela.
11pt "> 1995 "Neo-Constructivism Spirit." Gallery "Dario Lunar Emerio." Cultural Department of the University of Zulia. Maracaibo, Zulia State, Venezuela.
1998 "Lambuceos torque." Gallery "Luis Guillermo Hoffman." Secretary of Culture of Zulia State. Maracaibo, Zulia State, Venezuela.
11pt "> 2006 "The Omen Aires." Alternative Gallery "Luis Chacon" in The Mayor of Maracaibo. Maracaibo, Zulia State, Venezuela.
2007 Cults and Portents. " Gallery "saddlebag." Hotel Paseo. Maracaibo, Zulia State, Venezuela.
2007 "Voice of America." Gallery "Dario Lunar Emerio." Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo, Zulia State. Venezuela.
2007 "Voz Latina" Gallery "Art Network." Ministry of Popular Power for Culture. Maracaibo, Zulia State, Venezuela.
normal "> Group shows (Summary)
1986 "Student Self-Development." Faculty of Architecture of Light. Universidad del Zulia. Mcbo. Edo. Zulia, Venezuela.
1990 "Students Neptalí Corner. " School of Theater "Inés Laredo" Secretary of Culture of Zulia State. Mcbo. Edo. Zulia, Venezuela.
1990 "Zulianos Talent." Gallery "Udon Perez." Calle Carabobo. Mcbo. Edo. Zulia, Venezuela.
1990 Collective Environment Day. " Ministry of Environment. Gallery "Udon Perez." Calle Carabobo. Mcbo. Edo. Zulia, Venezuela.
1990 Group Exhibition of Artists. Gallery "Julio Arraga" Secretary of Culture of Zulia State. Mcbo. Edo. Zulia, Venezuela.
1990 Collective Neptalí Friends of the corner. " Ingenium Art School. Mcbo. Edo. Zulia, Venezuela.
1990 "Art At All Costs." Centro Cultural de Cabimas. Plaza Bolivar. Cabimas. Edo. Zulia, Venezuela.
Roman "> 1990 Artists Group Show Zulianos. Inauguration of the Banco Mercantil Norte.Banco CC Delicias Commercial Delicias Norte. Mcbo. Edo. Zulia, Venezuela.
1995 "Leaves of Art." Hugo Gallery Fino. Carabobo Club North Lagoven. Lagunillas, Edo. Zulia, Venezuela.
Roman "> 1995 Collective INCE 36 Anniversary. " INCE Art Gallery. Mcbo. Edo. Zulia, Venezuela.
1995 I Collective exhibition "Young Artists." Makro Art. Mcbo. Edo. Zulia, Venezuela.
1995 Art Exhibition IX Pro-Funds "San José de La Matilla. Centro Venezolano Americano del Zulia (CEVAZ). Mcbo. Edo. Zulia, Venezuela.
1995 Zulianos Artists Group Exhibition. Gallery "Julio Arraga Secretary of Culture of Zulia State. Mcbo. Edo. Zulia, Venezuela.
1996 Collective Encounters. " INCE Art Gallery. Mcbo. Edo. Zulia, Venezuela.
1996 X Art Group Show Geriatric Pro-Funds "San José". Centro Venezolano Americano del Zulia CEVAZ. Mcbo. Edo. Zulia, Venezuela.
1996 Great Art Collective Zuliano "WE ARE ALL ART AND LIGHT. Mcbo. Edo. Zulia, Venezuela.
1996 I Collective, University of Zulia. "United for the Arts." Light the XXI Century. Mcbo. Edo. Zulia, Venezuela.
1996 54 Hall Arturo Michelena. Ateneo de Valencia. Edo. Carabobo, Venezuela.
1996 1 "> The 19 Participating Artists Zulianos" Arturo Michelena ". Emerio Dario Luna Gallery. Directorate of Culture of the University of Zulia. Mcbo. Edo. Zulia, Venezuela.
1997 "Artistic Freedom." Faculty of Humanities and Education LIGHT. Mcbo. Edo. Zulia, Venezuela.
1997 Sample XI Pro-Arts Collective Funds Geriatric "San José". Centro Venezolano Americano del Zulia CEVAZ. Mcbo. Edo. Zulia, Venezuela.
1997 Collective Plastic Artist Day. " Gallery "Luis Guillermo Hoffman" Art School "Neptalí corner" of the Ministry of Culture of Zulia State. Mcbo. Edo. Zulia, Venezuela.
1998 We Art Project. "Travellers from the South". Found, Edo. Zulia, Venezuela.
1998 Cultural Encounters Zulia. Gen. Rafael Urdaneta Park. Ministry of Culture of Edo. Zulia. Mcbo. Edo. Zulia, Venezuela.
1998 The Endless Song of the sun. Arts & Culture yes "> Zulia 1780-1998. Museo de Arte Contemporáneo del Zulia. MACZUL. MuseoMcbo Inauguration of Exhibition. Edo. Zulia, Venezuela.
1999 Regional Painting Exhibition "DE COSTA A COSTA. " CAICOC. Cabimas, Edo. Zulia, Venezuela.
2001 Collective Day Plastic Artist. " Dario Lunar Emerio Gallery. Mcbo, Edo. Zulia, Venezuela.
2001 Exhibition "I Caribbean Cultural Festival." Rio Caribe capital, Edo. Sucre, Venezuela.
2002 Exhibition "Clay and Color Fusion." The Enlosao. Mcbo. Edo. Zulia. Venezuela.
2006 Collective "La Ruta del Cacao." Art Center Maracaibo Lia Bermudez. " Mcbo, Edo. Zulia, Venezuela.
2006 First Show of Artists Collective Zulianos CATESFAN Pro-fund. Gallery Bancomer. Mcbo, Edo. Zulia, Venezuela.
2 006 Collective "Art With Aroma Cafe. Universidad del Zulia. Mcbo, Edo. Zulia, Venezuela.
2006 Collective Artists by a yes "> Dream". Mayor Maracaibo. Mcbo, Edo. Zulia. Venezuela.
2006 Collective "La Ruta del Cacao." Banco Industrial de Venezuela. Caracas. Venezuela.
2006 Pre-Congress Collective Regional Higher Education Bolivariana. Institut Universitaire de Technologie de Maracaibo. Zulia State, Venezuela.
2007 Collective National Day of the artist "Mara Bank Gallery. Maracaibo. Edo. Zulia. Venezuela.
2007 Collective Art With Aroma Coffee. " Gallery "Dario Lunar Emerio." Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo. Edo. Zulia. Venezuela.
2007 Collective "Multiple Expressions." Tribute to the College of Arts Neptalí corner. Exhibition Hall of the Central Bank of Venezuela. South Tower. Maracaibo. Edo. Zulia. Venezuela.
2007 Collective Art A Cup for America. " Circuit Exhibition of Plastic Arts for the Copa America Venezuela 2007. Maracaibo. Edo. Zulia. Venezuela.
2007 Zulianos Artists Collective Exhibition "Expo." Gallery "Luís Chaco." Mayor of Maracaibo. Maracaibo. Edo. Zulia. Venezuela.
2008 Fifth edition of Mail Art. Minerva Chamber. Venezuela
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2008 Zulianos Artists Group Show "Zulia State Legislative Palace." Maracaibo. Edo. Zulia. Venezuela. 2008 Zulianos Artists Collective Exhibition "Expo." Gallery "Luís Chaco." Mayor of Maracaibo. Maracaibo. Edo. Zulia. Venezuela.
2008 Regional Salon of Painting. "Towards the V Biennial Maracaibo City." Maracaibo. Edo. Zulia. Venezuela.
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1997 Recognition Button "Day of the artist." Escuela Superior de Arte "Neptalí Corner" of the Ministry of Culture of Zulia State. Zulia State Government. Mcbo. Edo. Zulia. Venezuela. 2007 Recognition "National Day of the artist." Maracaibo Municipality Corporation Foundation for the Promotion of Culture, Municipality of Maracaibo-FUNDACULTURA. Mayor of Zulia State. Mcbo. Edo. Zulia. Venezuela.
2008 Second Prize in the Regional Salon of Painting. "Towards the V Biennial Maracaibo City." Maracaibo. Edo. Zulia. Venezuela.
Other Activities ? Weather Cover Disc label for Ecstasy Rock Group "100 Degrees". Mcbo. Edo. Zulia, Venezuela.
Artist comment. The proposal expressly assumed by my convictions is set of ideas, the force that the symbolic language and awareness of the pictorial space based and subject to my creative executions. Kindly give me my ideas, while I condemn the limitations to creative sterility. Dialogue with the power of persuasion of the symbol I suggest, and the belief that the symbolism through imagery gives me. All the experiences that anthropology discovers in its findings, this gives me as a fundamental premise, the power integral to the viewer in all interpretations that it could absorb, noting any work performed by my convictions. These interpretations may be biased or not the arguments I propose. The comments also subject according to your imagination as to act on the exchange of media created (work) and what is displayed by the observer himself in this exchange, everything is in relation to their internal reactions in terms of the externals of interpretation, ie what happens according to the findings of symbols arranged and symbolic decoding, which gives way before a placement can create a symbolic first place anyone removed all the codes already developed and studied in the pre-made enforceable. Relevant theoretical studies do before painting, and at the time of execution, subordinates all thought the same act of painting, allowing the mind I build any symbolic condition. Gradually the buildings of each of the tables are appropriated by successive codes established with one another, discovering one way or way of saying or expressing, thinking it is subordinated to all aspects enforceable while maintaining the initial interpretive notion of each code itself, as an element extracted by himself and being himself a time, making the expression itself. I believe that this is achieved reassert itself in its own content, and yet, it definitely is not never explained and that perception, to discover different levels suggest an interpretation of each of them. The interpreter was in every interior and the "logic" that the observer operate as an exchange of information (observer-work / work-observer), allowing you to create the arguments that will give us insights into the internal knowledge of the observer and how or how to observe. The "logic" is produced in my "logic", by establishing standards for their implementation. The speech is in himself, giving the symbolic value of the same, according to the criteria of collective interpretation, group or personal giving us value the symbol of itself. The practical objective is to experience in each work. Each result is an educational contribution to the leguaje indicate more creative artistic creation. Judge each aspect will give us more aware of the symbolic interpretation codes relating these to our daily lives. Being human characteristics and symbolic association allows us and our way or way of life and awareness of the symbolic, give us the power to assume the formation or creation of any symbol, which can encode. I believe the artist enshrines what is human but of humanity itself, giving parameters to achieve supernatural approach "reality", ie, the human is enhanced by the breakdown and collapse of the human aspects in order to generate "human realities" and this is generated by the search for the supernatural aspects or faces that are generated by man same. The path of artistic research is the search for these "realities" through decompositions, disorder and breakdown of the arguments set to the letter. The idea is to exhaust all means of expression to achieve more through performance, and that artistic expression is a way of communication that is conditioned by the "realities" hidden in the mind. In Artistic Expression, it is all about action and effect can get to know all the creative intelligence insights that allow us to give something, it means the treatment and handling of that something, which we believe is through the senses which allows us to be aware of what is created as an artistic result. All science part of knowledge that allows us to decipher this Science into the qualities, quantities and states of this science. We have to allow speculation as to what is said of Artistic Expression in its scientific foundations, that as a general situation which we were founded all knowledge and gives rise to the fields of the same expression, and autonomy as a philosophical inquiry and receives all theories of knowledge itself. Specific areas that we designate artistic expression born of the philosophical approach of the same expression, this according to their own scientific knowledge. Artistic knowledge is to get universal principles of artistic expression, those criteria which are valid so that they can understand this by the same knowledge of expressiveness, and which is power enable us to establish a definition of the same expression and knowledge, which can be valid or no. Artistic expression validity of a speculative philosophy of his own environment and content, which defines itself, giving aspects of his study to the meeting of the agreements that the same philosophy in any of the essence of this, as acceptance the implications to take a certain portion of his own character, which is why that the factual accounts of the philosophical theme to base, consists of different answers are given by the systematization and conceptions of the philosophical aspects that are included in the understanding of it knowledge artistic ...